Investing In The Future Energy Mix.

American landowners are constantly feeling financial pressures during uncertain times and we are here to help.


Our mission is to help American landowners with their financial needs while providing an ESG friendly vehicle for investors to invest in.

Monetizing your wind, solar royalties, and oil and gas royalties is possible. We’ve done it before.

We are providing an outlet for land owners to cash in on their reoccurring wind royalties, solar royalties, and oil and gas royalties which will free up much-needed cash that can be used to invest in their future.


Our Process?

Selling your wind royalties and solar royalties has never been easier! Our process is quick and simple. All we need from you to make an offer is a copy of your wind, solar, and/or oil and gas lease along with the last three royalty payments associated with the lease.


“A good deal is one in which both parties benefit.”

— Sustainable Energy Management Team